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  您当前的位置 >> 主页 >> 天门山国家森林公园简介

发布时间: 2005/10/10 11:10:06 阅览: 5898次 来源: 张家界旅游指南

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  Tianmen Mountain, a famous mountain first recorded in the history of Zhangjiajie,has an elevation of 1518.6 meters.It is only 8 kilometers far from the downtown and is one of the most representative natural sceneries of the people by its miraculous and unque geographic cultural connotations and famous colorful humanistic sites. It is revered as the soul of culture and spirit of Zhangjiajie and reputed as Number One Miraculous Mountain in Western Hunan.

  The main body of Tianmen Mountain is uniquely skyscraping and domineering. Tianmen Cave the natural mountain-penetrating karst cave with the highest elevation in the world,hangs on the towering cliff.The cave becomes the unique sight under heaven and breeds the profound and grand Heaven Culture and Culture of Fairy Mountain in the local area.Tianmen Mountain is the second national forest park in Zhangjiajie. On the seasons.In addition,the densely populated karst hillocks and karrens plus the mating of strange socks and graceful trees create a grand garden of bonsai as if blessed by the God.Tianmen Mountain Temple,with an area of over 10000 square meters,enjoys a booming pilgrimage ever since the Ming Dynasty,It is the Buddhist center of Western Hunan.The six unresolved mysteries in the past hundreds of years such as Opening of Tianmen Cave,Shadow of Guigu,and Auspicious Unicorn have added the mysterious and elusive atmosphere for Tianmen Mountain.

  The tourist traffic design of Tianmen Mountain is worth the title of world-shocking masterpiece.It will bring shocking and unforgettable experiences for the tourists. Tianmen Mountain Cableway,Heaven-Linking Avenus,Tianmen Cave and Bonsai,the longest one-way recycling passenger cableway in the world ,has a length of 7455 meters and a height gap of 1279 meters.It takes the tourists from the atmosphere of modern city directly to the hug of the primitive garden in the air.During the running of cableway,the landscape transforms into a kaleidoscope,making the tourists experience a miraculous feeling of flying angels in the sky as well as of being blended into a long grand painting of landscape.The mountain-winding highway of Tianmen Mountain,nicknamed as Heaven-Linking Avenue,has a total length of less than 11kilometers.Yet the elevation of it rises sharply from 200 meters to 1300 meters.The avenue rises steeply according to the form of mountain.The 99 blends link closely with each other and pile up in layers,making a pattern of a circling flying dragon reaching the skyline.Tourists marvelatit,which is worth the title of the Top Highway Wonder in the World.



  • 天门山索道
  • 天门山空中花园

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    ·独立成团--张家界、天子山、黄龙洞二晚三日游                  ...更多团队线路


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