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  您当前的位置 >> 主页 >> 天门山索道乘坐须知

发布时间: 2005/10/21 12:06:25 阅览: 5591次 来源: 张家界旅游指南

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1、 每个车厢定员8人,为保证运行安全,严禁满员后强行乘车,车行途中请勿在车厢内随意走动摇晃车厢,严禁触摸车厢内通讯设施。
2、 轿厢进入站台后,请按顺序上下,切勿贴门站立或拥挤,以免跌出轿厢发生危险。
3、 轿厢门能自动关闭,上车后请勿将身体任何部位伸出门外。
4、 索道运行过程中,请勿吸烟。
5、 严禁携带易燃、易爆、易漏、腐蚀等危险品,严禁携带猫狗等宠物,严禁携带无证件的枪支、弹药、匕首及其它凶器等危险品进站上车。
6、 患有高血压、心脏病、传染病,以及神志不清、饮酒过量的游客,将被拒绝乘坐索道。
7、 请爱护轿厢内设备,不得刻画、踩跳座椅及向轿厢内外丢弃杂物。
8、 索道运行过程中,请勿在轿厢内站立或走动,更不要试图打开门窗。
9、 由于索道为循环式,老年人、残疾人士及儿童需有他人陪护乘坐。
10、 索道运行中如遇故障停车,请乘客不要惊慌,听从乘务员安排,等待操作人员启动辅助驱动器运行,须救援时乘客应和乘务员积极配合。
11、 如遇大风、大雨、雷击及其它危及安全或设备检修临时暂停营业,请予谅解合作。

Notice for Riding about the Cableway

1、 It is 8 persons limited for each carriage.In order to ensure the safe operation,it is strictly forbidden to get on the carriage by force after its full commission.Please do not walk through the carriage freely which leads to the waving of the carriage.Nobody can touch the communication facilities in the carriage without permission.
2、 Please go up or down in order after the carriage pulls in the station.Don’t stand near the door or congest,which may leads the danger of felling out of the carriage.
3、 The gate of the carriage can be shut automatically,so it is forbidden to spread any part of your body out of the windows after getting on.
4、 Smoking is prohibitive in process of the cableway.
5、 It is strictly prohibited to carry the dangerous goods which may lead to fire,blast,lead,rust,etc.,so for the pets,such as cats,dogs,and so on .It is also strictly forbidden to carry the lethal weapons,such as guns without license,cartridge,dagger and so forth.
6、 The passengers who suffer from high blood pressure,heart disease,infectious disease,dottiness or have drunk too much,will be refused to ride about the cableway.
7、 Please take care of the facilities in carriage.Don’t carce or trample the seats,or brush off sundries out of the carriage.
8、 When the cableway carried on its operation,please don’t stand up or walk through the carriage,and no try to open the gate or window.
9、 Old folks,handicapped people and children should be in chaperonage when riding.
10、 The passengers shouldn’t be alarmed when the cableway is shutdown as meeting some malfunction,instead they should follow the steward’s arrangement,to wait for operation of the quxiliary with the stewards zealously when the succor is necessary.
11、 The business with be paused temporarily when meeting gale,storm,thunderstroke and any other situations which may lead to danger to beings,or maintenance of facilities.Please forgive that and cooperate with us.


·散客拼团--张家界、天子山、黄龙洞二晚三日游 [3月——11月散拼特价530元/人]
·散客拼团--张家界、天子山、黄龙洞、凤凰古城三晚四日游        ...更多散拼线路
·独立成团--张家界、天子山、黄龙洞二晚三日游                  ...更多团队线路


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